Donation Program

Donations can be monetary, food, clothes, land, houses, vehicles, machinery, office equipment or educational related materials such as textbooks, stationeries, uniforms and shoes. We invite donation from inside and outside Tanzania, from individual men, women, groups, organization and institutions.


Types of Donations:

  • Taqwa Members’ Subscription

Membership donation who join with Taqwa amount is 5,000 TZS or 10,000 TZS per month.

This is a donation for the care of orphans and daily use office.

TigoPesa: 0658 225 998 and Account Number:  0711 047 000 Name: Taqwa Orphans Trust Tanzania.


  • Taqwa Orphans Sponsoring Model (OSM)

Orphans Orphans Sponsoring Model it is for food for families raising orphans every two months’ amount is 55,000 TZS per month. You can contribute through PBZ AC NO:  0711106000 M-Pesa: 0757 225 997 Name Taqwa Orphans Trust Tanzania.


  • Taqwa Tupelekane Peponi (Investment Program)

Tupelekane Peponi Donation this contribution is for investing in Taqwa projects with the aim of investing in the future amount is 5,000 or 10,000/= per month. You can contribute through:

TigoPesa: 0710 095 858

Amana Bank: 004140314180001

Name: Taqwa Orphans Trust Tanzania


  • Taqwa Iftar Program

This program is only for Ramadhan,it is once a year that we collect money and distribute iftar to families raising orphans in different areas including Dar es salaam, Mkuranga, Kisarawe, Pemba, Unguja,Tanga and Rufiji. You can contribute through:

TigoPesa: 0658 225 998 OR Account Number: 0711 047 001 Name Taqwa Orphans Trust TZ


  • Taqwa Education Program

This program is for school package for orphans, including school uniforms, bags and shoes. We give them every December; we collect money or equipments by holding auctions at the Education Fundraising Event.You can contribute through: TigoPesa: 0658 225 998 or Account Number PBZ 0711047001 | Name:Taqwa Orphans Trust TZ


  • Taqwa Friday Giving

This donation is every Friday and we accept any amount, the goal is to be able to meet the needs of orphans. You can contribute through TigoPesa: 0658 225 998 | MPesa: 0759 225 997

Contact with us

Have questions? Feel Free to write us

“Assisting to improve the welfare of Home-Based Orphans in Tanzania”.

Call Us

+255 658 225 998

Write email

Visit office

2nd Floor, Red Cross Building, Opposite City Mall, Bibi Titi/Morogoro Road, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania